More students are switching over to online training courses through CNAonline because of the flexibility and thoroughness of the education offered. On the other side of things, facilities want to better understand the benefits offered by CNAonline.

Blended CNA Training Incorporates Facilities

CNAonline understands that books, lectures, and materials alone do not make for qualified CNAs. We work with facilities to make time for hands-on training, such as lab work. Our goal is to lessen the burden on facility resources and provide CNA students with a flexible and comprehensive course where they have access to source material 24/7.

CNA Training Tailored to State Requirements

CNAonline’s course is broken down by modules. As such, we have the ability to adjust the topics, assignments, and level of activities to meet the requirements of each state. The advantage of working with facilities and providing online CNA training is that we can adjust the course to fit the needs of each student based on location, including clinical hours.

Facilities Can Track CNA Students

Facilities can track the performance and progress of our students through deep data analytics. Authorized administrative personnel, instructors, and preceptors can use our portal and dashboard tools to see how students are performing and line them up for potential roles in your organization.

AHCA Partnership

CNAonline has partnered with the American Health Care Association (AHCA) to provide our hybrid CNA training across the country. We use their nationally-acclaimed How To Be a Nurse Assistant curriculum and have made this course available as an e-book and audiobook. This ensures that each student in our CNA training program is receiving the most comprehensive education available. Our program has been approved in a number of states, and we are working to receive approval in the remaining states.

CNA Exam Preparation

Our course provides a wealth of practice tests, checklists, and study guides to prepare CNA students for their official proctored exams. We also provide a professional instructor to assist students during the class. This instructor has access to student progress in real-time, so he or she can address any issues during the course. This helps achieve high pass rates. In addition, the hands-on, in-person clinical labs portion of our training happens at the hiring facility. So students can learn in the organization that may hire them when they receive their license. Our goal is to make CNA training both thorough and accessible to allow our students to launch their careers in the healthcare industry while bolstering the number of CNAs at facilities to meet the growing need for quality care.

To learn more about CNAonline, contact us today. Our team will be more than happy to answer your specific inquiries.