The course is built in modules, and the content is organized as chapters. We can adjust accordingly, based on each state’s requirements for topics and by modifying the level of activities, quizzes, and assignments.
Yes, it is web based. There are two basic requirements, you must have a web browser (Google or Chrome is preferred), and you must have a connection to the internet. It is no different than loading a web page, or doing a Google search.
All student work is submitted online. Our system tracks detailed information on student activity.
We customize the course to meet the requirements for each state.
Testing requires a separate fee per student and is regulated by each state. Tests are conducted at designated locations.
The course cost ranges from $700-$900 per student. The upper range is for the university-accredited version which has additional workload parameters that meet the minimums for college credit. Pricing may be tiered based on volume commitments. The costs include all course materials for students including the How to Be a Nurse Assistant e-book and instructor fees. The host’s provider organization for the course will be required to cover the costs of the clinical instructor.
Preceptors typically do the final skills check-offs and then coordinate the exam scheduling and registration based on the testing locations.
The student must take the state licensing exam and competency skills test and pass. Notification is then sent to the student informing them of inclusion in the state registry.
The classroom portion is delivered online, and clinical skills training is done in person at a provider facility or lab.
The online program is web-based and is accessible through smart phones, tablets, laptops, and personal computers.
This course is based on the American Health Care Association’s (AHCA) How To Be a Nurse Assistant curriculum. Each course will be approved in each state where approval is required. AHCA has been delivering nurse assistant training for LTC for over 30 years.
AHCA is the American Health Care Association. As the nation’s largest association of long term and post-acute care providers, AHCA advocates for quality care and services for frail, elderly, and disabled Americans.
Clinical skills instruction and training will be done in an approved lab setting. Options include facilities that meet regulatory compliance parameters and nonfacility training labs.
Our program includes practice tests, study guides, quizzes, and skills checklists to prepare students for taking the proctored exam for certification.