The burnout rate among CNA students is significant. Taking courses combined with intensive lab and clinical work can cause potential CNAs to leave the training system, no matter how much they want to succeed. To change this, there is a new approach designed to alleviate the stress and anxiety and lower the burnout rate among CNA students.

Not All Training Programs Are Equal

The need for CNAs in the care industry has given rise to some fairly intensive training programs in order to fill roles quickly. Prospective CNAs go to class at a facility, learn during long class sessions, with lab and clinical work interspersed. Intensive training may seem like a quick fix, but it is also overwhelming for the most passionate students. The downside is a high burnout rate and much smaller numbers of people complete the course. Yet facilities may only have time and space available for courses during certain days, so the strain is felt by all parties.

Looking at Training from a CNA Student’s Perspective

Most people who want to become CNAs already lead very full lives. They want to become CNAs to provide care for others, start a career in the healthcare industry, and to better themselves with a more fulfilling job than the one they already have. Intensive training puts many in an awkward situation where they have to take time off of work for courses, rearrange their personal responsibilities, and still manage to focus on their studies. It’s easy to see why the burnout rate is so high, and why the industry is losing CNAs before they even finish their courses.

Taking a Different Approach to CNA Training

CNAonline offers a program for CNA students that offers both flexibility and accessibility. The program offers an online course available as an ebook or audio book, giving CNA students access to source material 24/7 on their smartphones or other devices. By doing this, CNA students can learn at their own pace and concentrate on coursework without having to schedule time off from work or neglecting their real-life responsibilities. Additionally, CNAonline works with facilities for lab and clinical training days, making scheduling much easier for all involved. The results are larger passing classes of CNAs, and a matching system to place those new CNAs in facilities.

Contact CNAonline today to learn more about how we work with facilities to train CNA students and match them with places to launch their careers.